The book, “The secret history of the world” – “Дэлхийн нууц товчоо” with the author of Mr. Tumur foretells 100 years of events from 2016 to 2116. It is called as the Mongolian Nostradamus and was published in 2015. The book has been translated with the name of “Сокровенная сзазание мира” into Russian language and widely distributed in Russia and Kazakhstan. The prophecies have been fulfilled since the book was released. For example, Covid19 virus, Donald Trump, President of the USA, Julian Assange, a founder of the Wikileaks website, Rio Olimp – 2016, President of the Kazakstan, Erdenet Mining Corporation, and election results etc.

How was Covid 19 prophesied in the The secret history of the world book?

Book Prophecy at pages 178-179

“What an awful

One of the Asian slaughterhouses

Beginning of the Bacterial reproduction”

It has been considered that the Covid19 virus infection first appeared on the seafood market, which traded in seafood and wild animals in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, China with a population of 11 million.

This seafood market is the place where bacteria and microbes grow most. Although the exact origin of the virus is unknown, scientists have advanced studies that suggest its possible origin in bats. If consider that market as beginning of the bacterial reproduction…

What is prophesied that it will be “a place for the identification and development of bacteria”?

In Wuhan, the first city where the coronavirus was spread in China, the Chinese Institute of Biology and Chemistry’s prestigious Laboratory of Virology was established in January, 2018. Is the operation of this institute the cause of the outbreak of this disease?  The laboratory has the fourth level which is the highest level of danger. Did the virus develop here?

‘‘Widespread named as Crises

Common test sample development’’

The Wuhan Virology Institute does not only seek medicine for dangerous diseases. The laboratory was also involved in a state secret biological weapons program, said Dany Shoham, a former Israeli intelligence officer. “Some of the laboratory’s divisions have been involved in developing Chinese biological weapons,” he noted. In addition, experts have indicated that Covid19 laboratory tests were failed, which could have caused by some staff error and spread as a dangerous “plague”.

 “Suddenly it has stolen for profit”

Igor Nikulin, a former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons said that ‘‘there is a doubt the virus could be coming out of the bio lab. They chose the time and place perfectly. Wuhan is the exact center of this country and a major transport hub. It is doubtful that the infection occurred on the eve of the Chinese lunar month’’.

“The academics and the government will panic everywhere”

The World Health Organization convened in Geneva on January, 30 to announce an international emergency due to the new type of coronavirus infection registered in many countries outside of China.

While blaming the innocence

Li Wenliang, a doctor in Wuhan, had warned dropping a bombshell on WeChat app: some people had been diagnosed with a SARS-like illness on December, 30. He was questioned by the Social Security Department for accepting “false information in order to disturb social stability”. He died on February 6, 2020 diognised by Covid19 infection. The Disciplinary Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) sent an inspection team to Hubei province in order to determine local authorities operation how ignored him who first reported on the Covid19 outbreak.

It is noted that “The people will be infected by thirty four and five thousand’’

According to the National Health Commission, as of February 7, 2020, in China, the number of deaths from Covid-19 pneumonia has reached 722, and the number of people suffering from coronavirus infection has reached 34,546.

Fulfillment of the Book Prophecy 179:

The pneumonia of the tropical country

At the bottom of a solid palm tree

From Inside the lost glass liquid”

Western scientists did not like the news that China is opening a bio-lab. They considered that the emergency system would be weak in China during the plague. Richard H.Ebright, a biologist at Rutgers University, said that a situation involving a dangerious virus study could be out of control at any circumstances in China. Because the research team of Wuhan lab led by Zhou Peng were infected with Covid19.

It will spread by twenty four times

Dr. Jong Nanshan and his team, who first discovered the infection with SARS in 2003, proved that the incubation time of Covid19 infection is 24 days.

More than thirty thousand five hundreds people

Before suddenly fainting and suffering happened

According to the National Health Commission, as of February 7, 2020, in China, the number of deaths from Covid-19 pneumonia has reached 722, and the number of people suffering from coronavirus infection has reached 34,546.

It seems that Mr. Tumur, an author of the book warned us that the formation of Covid19, taken away, Covid19 spread, involvement in the world and 35000 people infections.


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